Tree Report & Survey Case Study – Architect’s tree report for new cartlodge build


A local architect required a BS5837:2012 Tree Survey to accompany a planning application for the construction of a new Cart Lodge.

Our Client’s Aim

To produce a tree report to take into consideration any trees on site, and within the surrounding affected area, and to provide a Constraints Plan that detailed the Root Protection Area of these trees. This would accompany the planning application and provide detailed advice on the construction phase so not to cause any damage or disturbance to any trees.

Our Proposal

  • A site meeting was set up with the client to discuss the proposed construction with any plans for the proposed construction provided. This also allows us to gain some knowledge of the history of the site and how the construction work is going to be planned.
  • This was a small site, consisting of 11 trees to survey and record data, so our Tree Surveyor was only on site for approx. 2 hours.
  • Due to the requirements of a BS5837 survey, much more data is required to be recorded when compared to a Tree Condition Survey. This includes Remaining Contribution, Retention Category and the Root Protection Area (RPA). In addition, any recommended works is broken down into Pre-construction, During construction and Post construction.
  • On completion of the onsite surveying, our Tree Surveyor collates the data are produces the final Tree Report along with the Tree Constraints Plan. Additional information is also provided on how the Remaining Contribution, Retention Category and the Root Protection Area is assessed and worked out as well as suitable types of Root Protection Area protective fencing and installation methods.


  • The Report holds all the details required by the Local Planning Authority for the planning application, as well as the architect and construction contractor for the construction works.
  • Whilst it can be undertaken by the construction contractor, we recommend that a qualified Arboriculturist is employed to mark out the Root Protection Area (RPA) and supervise the installation of the protective fencing. A qualified Arboriculturist must be employed to supervise any works within, or close to, the RPA due to the high risk of damage to any potential tree roots. In most cases this will be stipulated within the planning permission.

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